I Can Vouch For Preeti’s Sincerity & Honesty – Basant Rathore, Sr. VP, Brand & Strategy, Jagran Prakashan

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A combination of sincerity, people skills and terrific communication skills is what makes you come across as a great human being – and that’s exactly what Preeti is. I’ve known Preeti for a while now, and her hallmark qualities of extreme sincerity and honesty just shine through ….something I can vouch for. Conscientious to a fault, she goes great lengths to get things perfect. How often do you find someone who will immerse herself in your project so much that she makes it her own? It’s these qualities of ownership, responsibility and dependability that stand out.

Her writing is something that comes from deep personal experiences, punctuated with subtle nuances, making the reader virtually live the experience. What gives her an extra edge is the high quotient of emotional intelligence that makes collaborating with her a breeze. She has this uncanny ability to put you at ease, and that’s a top quality to have in an interview show host.

She has this keen interest in, and a steadfast resolve to keep learning and growing. Extremely hard working, she would go great lengths to achieve what she sets her mind to. Above all is her palpably infectious positive energy and enthusiasm that just lights up the space around her.

If you need an anchor, a host, a writer, a talk show interview host, someone to ideate and create branded content, and an influencer, I would strongly recommend Preeti.

Basant Rathore, Senior Vice President, Jagran Prakashan Group

Strength of Thought & Vibrant Persona! – Mansoor Ali, CMO, Hamdard
I Can Vouch For Preeti’s Sincerity & Honesty – Basant Rathore, Sr. VP, Brand & Strategy, Jagran Prakashan