Ever Heard Of A ‘Mother-In-Law’ Car? This Is How It Looks

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The 21 Gun Salute Vintage Cars International Rally 2020 showed off some of the most prestigious timeless mean machines that signify the historic cultures of the world.

As I continued to get awestruck by the variety of vintage cars at display, I found one of them quite intriguing for its seat strangely placed outside the main body. This seat was not just at the car’s exterior but was also without any roof! That’s right. Interestingly, this make was popularly known as the ‘mother-in-law’ car due to the strategic placement of its uniquely done seat at the back.

Check it out for yourself –

Vintage Cars: OMG! Is This World’s Smallest BMW Car?!
Ever Heard Of A ‘Mother-In-Law’ Car? This Is How It Looks