Music Lovers, Your Date With Jazz! Know The Journey With Rajeev Raja

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Rajeev Raja is the Founder and soundsmith at Brandmusiq, a company that makes ‘mogo’ or a musical logo for brands. I met him exactly a year back at an industry event where he was a speaker, truly first of it kind as he played around with music more than his words and audience loved him!

Of course, it goes without saying, I loved him too! 🙂

Cut to 2020, few more gigs and clients richer, he’s going strong with his Flute and has thrown open a chance to catch him up and close with his partners in crime at a cafe near you in Mumbai.

USP – Unique Soul Point

“We are playing for all jazz lovers and for all those who want to know more about Jazz. It traces the history of jazz from its origins to today. All in 90 mins!” Raja tells me.

Jazz it up, Mumbai!

Pic Courtesy: Rajeev Raja’s Facebook Profile

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Music Lovers, Your Date With Jazz! Know The Journey With Rajeev Raja