Because I Will Win An Experience No Money Can Buy

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Well, that’s the answer to the question – “Why I want you to vote for me in Kerala Blog Express 2 contest?” But forget that for a while and think of this. One month of an employment and a decent pay cheque at the end of it is enough to take me to Kerala. I could always plan it with a blink of an eye. But it has never happened. May be it was me or some or the other thing hasn’t fallen in place. Either my friends haven’t been able to match their schedules (ah, life is ending there guys…) or my work has come in between me and my wishful travelling. (life ain’t beginning there either, Preeti :P) But hey, now I know it didn’t work out for a reason. (Can I like, always get away with everything in my life by saying that..jeez lol).

So, here I am not having been able to see Kerala ever till now. Woah! Sounds like the worst miss-out and I can say that with a conviction because prior to this until April 2013, Goa was winning this title hands down :D. I know, I know, I certainly don’t look like not-been-to-Goa types. (That was also one of the lines in the script of my Goa show, hehe, also the reason for my first visit there) I also know of the fact, that I don’t look like someone who hasn’t stepped on Kerala soil and this feeling hasn’t been good all this while. And now, looks like this thought in my heart & mind seems to have shown some turbulence and shaken the universe as I find myself a part of an international contest being run by Kerala Tourism and doing not so bad. 🙂

Now, first thing first, how did I get there. I usually tweet regularly and follow Kerala Tourism handle. I just happened to read their tweet where they had called out for participation in Kerala Blog Express 2, a contest where 25 winners from around the world set out on an all-paid two-week journey to experience Kerala. I clicked and entered their website where I saw tons of profiles up for voting; the best ones boasting of over 600 votes already. I quickly checked the last date of registration, sent in the profile and just like any other competition that is date-bound, I forgot about it. I was surprised with a confirmation that my profile was up for voting. Damn, I was thrilled! And more than that, what brought a soft but firm smile on my lips was when I read ‘India’ written below my name. That is when I actually read the entire rules 🙂

My profile had made it for public voting only after aspects like my social media reach, presence, quality of my blog, website and how they rank in search engines were taken into consideration. Now that was real happiness. And though, my late entry on Page 13 didn’t really impact my position thanks to so many of you who voted for me – I really love you guys for not just saying that you love me but also showing it when it mattered, I still am not wanting to take any chance of losing out after having come this far and thus, asking you to vote for me. Another good reason is that I have already lost a big opportunity earlier this year and that too of an international level, where I was just one step away from bagging it. It was an international ad for Dove 🙂 and it still pains to be thinking of being so close to it & yet not getting it.

I don’t know if I am winning this one or not, hopefully yes, because I am guessing that they should choose at least five top Indians same as last time… but know what, this feeling of being in contention is god damn awesome! Of all the time I awaited my Dove result, I was nothing but in sheer excitement of bagging it.. what an untouched phase it is where your hope has all the abilities to turn into a miracle. The real meaning of life lies just there.

So, couldn’t that one month of an employment and a decent pay cheque at the end of it have taken me to Kerala? NO. Because no money can buy the experience what this trip can bring to me. With no amount of money I could have brought such a diverse group of co-travellers from around the globe. It’s not about winning a freebie, guys and it’s not about going on a holiday. It’s about what this two-week of travelling can add to my personality and what my personality can bring to this entire activity (it’s always two-ways). There will be so much more than I could have ever, ever, ever had thought of holidaying in Kerala. What a sense of excitement it is to be even thinking of living next to 24 strangers from around the globe who are also out onto their adventure of life. And what a feeling it would be to telling all of them that hey, I’m from India! (I have been dreaming all my life to say that at some contest…lol) Moreover, what a feeling it is to be winning a contest and getting to travel as a prize. Unfair it is to even describe what travelling does to you. It changes you as a person for good and as a potential Kerala Blog Express 2 winner, I can almost keep it simple and say – it will be a trip of a lifetime!

Hence, I need you to vote for me (asking for votes is quite a task, phew…the only time I remember doing it was for the post of Class Representative in college and winning it by one vote;) Priyanka J, you listening girl, much love to you :*) and click on not just ‘vote’ but on my Kerala adventure. And you should vote for me because it is good karma (some gyan, I tell ya ;)) and trust me, the goodness will come back to in you multi-folds and that too instantly when my selfies, pictures, videos and Kerala stories will make you smile and say, I made that happen, I voted for her! : )
Be my Santa this season! 🙂



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What’s Your Ultimate Dream? I Have Found Mine! It Is Yours Too
Because I Will Win An Experience No Money Can Buy