Water Sports In Kerala! First Time, On Camera!

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Let me break this to you – it’s nothing different. The camera isn’t going to take away your fear of deep waters if you have any and neither it’s going to help you in paddling and managing your float (don’t know why am I saying something obvious :D) From winning over your fear to deciding to take a plunge to enjoying it as it comes about – you got to do it all! You can steal some moments of camera-facing as you get comfortable, else no looking here and there. The balancing act in the water is something that can’t be ignored.

So that one was for all of you! All of this could have never stood true for me, you know! (Hehe… am such a party pooper!) You think I will miss ANY CHANCE TO BE CLICKED! It’s such an amazing feeling to know your firsts are being clicked by paparazzi – how orgasmic, I tell ya!

When I sailed for the first time, Times of India covered it. And when I canoed and kayaked for the first time, it was as #KeralaBlogExpress 2, an international contest winner. (please I am bored of repeating what is KBE – just see here :P).

My first experiences of water sports that too on camera! Eeeeeeehooooo! I, the sporty soul, couldn’t have been pampered better as I traveled to the most exciting times of my life. Trust me, it was nothing but pure indulgence, a time when you easily shut off the world and go – OMFG! I AM GOING IN WATERS ON THAT THING I HAVE NEVER BEEN ON – SH**:-D

They say when you’re chosen for a task by the universe, it comes to on its own and the things start falling in place smoothly. Simply put, dude, it was written for me. 😉

Canoeing was a surprise activity at the Ashtamudi Lake facilitated by The Raviz Hotel as a part of Kerala Blog Express 2. None of us were pro with the canoeing bit (bit? like really I can put the main activity aside like that) but knew what that something we all were experts at & could have been flaunted to the crew and hotel staff – clicks and selfies! (oh, more important stuff lol) Heeh…

Welcome at The Raviz

Posing At Ashtamudi Lake With Global Bloggers during Kerala Blog Express 2.
Yes, From All The Angles, Please 😀

Never had I canoed before but thought I was doing okay as I wore that nice, bright orange, most importantly, appears-like-what-it-should-do-best life jacket. Lol!

It’s Auspicious To Have God’s Own Drink And Make Noise Before Canoeing 😀 Of course, I Am Kidding!

“So what am I supposed to do…paddle, right…how? Fast, slow, what about directions?” Some of the usual questions occupied my mind as we all set out for the ultimate experience in the most scenic view. I remember my pupils contracting often, trying to capture the aura and beauty all around. My eyes couldn’t contain it, really! But you know what was really mind blowing apart from the view? The amount of efforts one has to put in to paddle. It feel your biceps will disown you after a while if you continue exploiting them for pleasure. 😛

Happily Lost!

And what a treat it was to have my first canoeing experience along with my fellow bloggers who had flown into Kerala from around the world.

All Of Us During The Mass Drill
Salute – A Part Of The Drill. Don’t know if it was okay to salute from the left hand 😛

However, Kayaking was more exciting than canoeing as it’s a fast-paced activity. You either choose to paddle all by your own or get into the double-seating kayak. I chose the latter as it was my first time and my fellow blogger Rosemary from New Zealand was pro at it. She told me that the one that sits at the back controls the kayak more as compared to the one sitting in the front so it was easy for me to get the feel of it and paddle nice and easy.

Set To Kayak In Backwaters As A Local (Right) Looks On

So when you paddle with a partner, both are supposed to do it in the opposite directions. Soon I got the hang of it and we went rolling… Rose was a great support!

Set To Kayak In Backwaters As A Local (Right) Looks On

We muscled our way through the greens and relished the clear waters at times. It was so much fun to bump into other kayaks as we made mini halts while we also noticed the villagers on the either side of the backwaters smile at us so vividly. There were beautiful wild lilies greeting us as we executed another great moment of our lives together. And most of all, the feeling of nailing it and finishing with much noise and vigour – just so loved it!!!

Yay! Did It!!!
‘Twas time to grab the best-view seat on our motor boat! This is a shot from the KBE2 Official Video.

I cannot help recalling a quote here by the great Nelson Mandela, “Sports has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in the way little else does. Sport can awaken hope where there was previously only despair.”

It stands true every bit for me. I have played sports all my life – from Gully Cricket to Badminton to Table Tennis – at times won, at times lost but that feeling to achieve in the moment, the teamwork, it is something that can’t be described. It’s something else. And now that I have tried Water Sports, it is even better.

When you are in deep waters, all you think of is balancing your boat in its very present tense. It’s much like life. When you conquer your fear or inhibition to try something new – you are a winner there and then and more importantly, you win the God in you. I’d call winning the CEO Regatta at GoaFest last year a bonus, my first ever sailing experience in form of a competition that I had decided to skip but was destined to be a part of the historic coverage. (by Times of India)

CEO Regatta, Goafest 2014

Sailing. Check. Canoeing. Check. Kayaking. Check. I think I should better learn to swim properly now (started to learn once but left midway) before I continue to call myself a ‘water baby’ in its true sense. 😛 Let me whisper the wish to my genie, my universe again…and again…and again 🙂


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Water Sports In Kerala! First Time, On Camera!