IAA Announces Mentorship Program For Women Leaders In Marcom

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A great opportunity awaits women leaders in the Indian Marcom industry to learn the nuances from the best minds in the business and take their careers to the next level.

The India Chapter of the International Advertising Association (IAA) will be rolling out a mentorship program for women in the Advertising, Marketing, Media, Digital and Public Relations space.

The plan is the brainchild of IAA India – Vice President, Megha Tata (Chief Operating Officer BTVI – Business Television India) who will also be driving the initiative.

“There is a great need for such an exercise. Look around and you will see the really small number of women in leadership roles. We have a fairly large percentage of women in our industry who have a working experience of 8-10 years and this is the audience we are addressing. They are experienced, are managing their families and are poised to take on leadership roles. All they need is the right kind of mentoring now. I am hoping this would be an on-going effort and we would be contributing to the development of a fine crop of women leaders over a period in time”, said Tata.

Criteria: Woman in Marcom with 8-10 years of experience.

Last date for registrations: May 25, 2018. Fill form here.

Selection: Only those who make the cut will be contacted.

An initiative of this nature is a first in the Marcom industry. IAA has always been at the forefront of such initiatives. The core committee includes Ramesh Narayan (IAA India –President), Megha Tata (COO, BTVI – Business Television India), Nandini Dias (CEO, Lodestar UM), Shalini Kamath (Shalini Kamath & Associates) and Neena Dasgupta (CEO, Zirca Digital Solutions).

More details here.


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IAA Announces Mentorship Program For Women Leaders In Marcom